About Us

Martín Vrillaud

I am a musician from Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.
I have been part of several musical groups, where I met my friend and colleague Emanuel Casas;
with whom we created this aventure called Games Music Lab that provides music and SFX services to video games, movies, short films and trailers.
In addition to musical composition, my main skills are related to the creation of sound effects, including production, recording, mixing and mastering.
My goal is to work full-time on music and sfx production for videogames; games and music are my passion since my childhood.

Emanuel Casas

I am a musician and composer from Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.
My musical influences goes from genres such as rock, hip-hop, orchestral, classical to electronic music.
I am passionate about musical composition with conventional instruments, as well as digital ones.
Currently, together with Martín Vrillaud we build a Home Studio where we produce and work daily since 2018 In this space is where we began creating music for videogames. I would wish to dedicate myself full-time to production in a professional way and make it to the next level.

Our Mission

“At Games Music Lab we know that both the originality of the music and that of the sfx bring great quality
to the games, therefore, the importance we give to each project is absolute on our part.

The theme song and even the smallest musical arrangements can make the difference in a game and we know it.

We do not have university technical studies but we do have imagination, creativity and an inexhaustible motivation
to do the best possible sound work, which is something that cannot be taught in any university. This is something
that comes within ourselves.”